La Crosse Technology Weather Radio WS 7391U User Manual

Wireless 433 MHz  
Radio-controlled Weather Station  
Instruction Manual  
1. The indoor weather station  
2. Remote temperature sensor (model TX4U)  
3. Instruction manual and warranty card  
1. Four fresh AA 1.5V batteries.  
2. Phillips screwdriver (for mounting)  
The NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology—Time  
and Frequency Division) radio station, WWVB, is located in Ft.  
Collins, Colorado and transmits the exact time signal continuously  
throughout the United States at 60 kHz. The signal can be  
received up to 2,000 miles away through the internal antenna in the  
Weather Station. However, due to the nature of the Earth’s  
Ionosphere, reception is very limited during daylight hours. The  
Weather Station will search for a signal every night when reception  
is best. The WWVB radio station derives its signal from the NIST  
Atomic clock in Boulder, Colorado. A team of atomic physicists  
continually measure every second of every day to an accuracy of  
ten billionths of a second a day. These physicists have created an  
international standard, measuring a second as 9,192,631,770  
vibrations of a Cesium 133 atom in a vacuum. For more  
information about WWVB please see the NIST website at  
Hint: Use good quality Alkaline Batteries and avoid  
rechargeable batteries.  
1. Have the indoor weather station and remote  
thermo/hygro sensor 3 to 5 apart.  
2. Batteries should be out of both units for 10 minutes.  
3. Place the batteries into the remote thermo/hygro  
sensor first then into the indoor weather station.  
(All remote thermo/hygro sensors must be started  
before the indoor weather station)  
In this time the indoor weather station and remote thermo/hygro  
sensor will start to talk to each other and the indoor weather station  
will show both the indoor temperature and humidity and the  
outdoor temperature and humidity. If the indoor weather station  
does not display all values after the 10 minutes please retry the set  
up as stated above. After all values are displayed for 10 minutes  
you can place your remote thermo/hygro sensor outdoors and set  
your time.  
The remote thermo/hygro sensor should be placed in a dry, shaded  
area. The remote thermo/hygro sensor has a range of 80 feet. Any  
walls that the signal will have to pass through will reduce distance.  
An outdoor wall or window will have 20 to 30 feet of resistance  
and an interior wall will have 10 to 20 feet of resistance. Your  
distance plus resistance should not exceed 80 ft. in a straight line.  
NOTE: Fog and mist will not harm your remote thermo/hygro  
sensor but direct rain must be avoided.  
To complete the set up of your indoor weather station  
after the 10 minutes have passed please follow the  
steps in the Detailed Set Up Guide  
Note: The remote thermo/hygro sensor transmits a signal every 3  
minutes; after the batteries have been installed, the indoor weather  
station will search for the signal for a duration of 5 minutes. If  
there is no temperature reading in the OUTDOOR LCD after 5  
minutes, make sure the units are within range of each other, or  
repeat the battery installation procedure.  
A. Remote Thermo/hygro Sensor  
1. Pull the cylindrical rain cover off the remote  
thermo/hygro sensor.  
2. Remove the battery cover (located on the backside of  
the remote thermo/hygro sensor, above the mounting  
post and bracket).  
3. Press the arrow and slide the battery cover off.  
4. Observing the correct polarity install 2 AA batteries.  
5. Replace battery cover, and place rain cover snugly  
onto the remote thermo/hygro sensor.  
B. Indoor Weather Station  
1. Remove the battery cover. To do this, insert a solid  
object in the space provided at the lower-central  
position of the battery cover, then push up and pull  
out on the battery cover.  
2. Observe the correct polarity, and install 2 AA  
3. Replace the battery cover.  
Note: Immediately after the batteries have been installed, each  
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) will flash, and a tone will sound.  
Within a few seconds the indoor temperature, indoor relative  
humidity, and the weather icons (sun and clouds) will be displayed.  
If these items are not displayed remove the batteries for 10 seconds  
and reinstall. If the outdoor temperature is not displayed within  
four minutes, remove the batteries from both units, wait 10  
seconds, and reinstall. The time will show -:-- and start searching  
for the signal. If it successfully receives the time signal (reception  
is achieved easiest at night), it will display the correct time  
(factory setting is Eastern time zone).  
Programming Note: If 20 seconds is allowed to pass during  
programming modes, the unit will confirm/set the last information  
entered—the display will stop flashing and return to normal time-  
date readings  
There are two methods by which the time and date can be set:  
1) Automatically via WWVB reception (only need to set the  
time zone in section III).  
This method requires you to do nothing but wait for the signal to  
be received, and to select a time zone (default is Eastern Time  
Zone). Reception usually takes approximately 6-8 minutes during  
optimal conditions. The best conditions for reception is at night,  
between midnight and 6:00 am, when there is less atmospheric  
interference. To keep your time as accurate as possible, the indoor  
weather station conducts a WWVB search every night between  
these hours, and overrides any time that has been set manually.  
The WWVB tower icon (appearing in the TIME LCD) will flash  
when a search is in progress, will remain steady when the signal  
has been received, and nothing will be displayed in all other  
situations. If the WWVB time has not been received after 10  
minutes of battery installation, you may manually set the time or  
leave the time function alone (reception will occur regardless).  
2) Manually (performed throughout the programming mode.  
When programming, the manual setting of time and date is not  
necessary and can be skipped. Any time information programmed  
will be over-written by the reception of the WWVB signal.  
There are four buttons on the WS-7391U, two on the front and two  
on the back. The front two buttons are the “CHANNEL” button  
(for selecting different remote temperature sensors if added) and  
the “RESET” button (for resetting the minimum and maximum  
temperatures). The two back buttons are the “SET” button (to  
enter the programming mode and confirming selections) and the  
“+” button (to select different settings once in the programming  
I. 12/24-Hour Time Format  
1. Press and hold the “SET” button (on the back of the  
clock) for 2 seconds or until “12h” or “24h” flashes.  
2. Press and release the “+” button to select 12-hour or  
24-hour (“military”) time format.  
3. Press and release the “SET” button to confirm and  
advance to the time setting (skip step 1 and 2 in  
section II if continuing).  
II. Time Setting  
Note: This is only necessary if you do not wish to wait for the  
WWVB reception. All manual set data will be over-ridden by the  
reception of the WWVB signal based on the time zone selected.  
1. Press and hold the “SET” button (on the back of the  
clock) for 2 seconds or until “12h” or “24h” flashes.  
2. Press and release the “SET” button again, the hour  
will flash.  
3. Press and release the “+” button to advance the hour.  
Note: In 12h mode “PM” will appear to the left of the  
time during PM hours. If the time is not within the PM  
hours nothing will be displayed. Be sure to set the time to  
the correct AM/PM time to ensure automatic reception.  
4. Press and release the “SET” button, the digits that  
represent the minutes will flash.  
5. Press and release the “+” button to advance the  
6. Press and release the “SET” button to confirm and  
advance to the time zone setting (skip step 1 and 2 in  
section III if continuing).  
III. Time Zone Setting  
The default (factory set) time zone is EST (Eastern Standard Time)  
1. Press and hold the “SET” button for 5 seconds or  
until “12h” or “24h” flashes.  
2. Press and release the “SET” button three more times,  
“EST” will flash (or other time zone if changed  
3. Press and release the “+” button to select your  
desired time zone.  
The TIME LCD displays the 3 letter abbreviations for the  
time zones found in North America. Observe the chart  
below, showing corresponding abbreviations, time zones,  
and codes.  
Display Time  
Hours from  
4. Press and release the “SET” button to confirm and  
advance to the Daylight Saving Time setting (skip  
step 1and 2 in section IV if continuing).  
IV. Daylight Saving Time (DST) Setting  
1. Press and hold the “SET” button for 2 seconds or  
until “12h” or “24h” flashes.  
2. Press and release the “SET” button 4 times to reach  
the DST selection mode.  
3. DST 1 is the default setting.  
4. Press and release the “+” button to select DST 1  
(recognizes Daylight Saving Time change) or DST 0  
(does not change with Daylight Saving Time).  
Note: Some locations (Arizona and parts of Indiana) do  
not follow Daylight Saving Time.  
5. Press and release the “SET” button to confirm and  
advance to the Date setting mode (skip step 1and 2 in  
section V if continuing).  
V. Setting the Day, Date and Year  
Note: This is only necessary if you do not wish to wait for the  
WWVB reception. All manual set data will be over-ridden by the  
reception of the WWVB signal based on the time zone selected.  
1. Press and hold the “SET” button for 2 seconds or  
until “12h” or “24h” flashes.  
2. Press the “SET” button 5 more times to reach the day  
of the week setting mode.  
3. The two-digit day of the week is flashing (SU is the  
default or factory setting).  
4. Press and release the “+” button to advance to the  
correct day.  
5. Press and release the “SET” key to confirm the day  
of the week setting and to shift to month setting.  
6. Press and release the “+” button to advance to the  
correct month.  
7. Press and release the “SET” key to confirm the  
month and advance to the date setting.  
8. Press and release the “+” key to advance to the  
correct date.  
9. Press and release the “SET” key to confirm the date  
setting and to advance to the year setting.  
10. Press and release the “+” key to advance to the  
correct year.  
11. Press and release the “SET” button to confirm the  
year and to advance to °F and °C selection (skip step  
1 and 2 in section VI if continuing).  
VI. Selecting °F OR °C  
1. Press and hold the “SET” button for 2 seconds or  
until “12h” or “24h” flashes.  
2. Press and release the “SET” button 9 times to reach  
the °F or °C setting mode.  
3. “°F” is the default setting and the temperatures  
(inside and remote) will be flashing.  
4. Press and release the “+” button to select °F to °C.  
5. Press the “SET” button to confirm and to advance to  
the LCD setting (skip step 1 and 2 of section VII if  
VII. Setting the LCD Contrast  
1. Press and hold the “SET” button for 2 seconds, or  
until “12h” flashes.  
2. Press and release the “SET” key 10 times to reach  
the LCD contrast setting mode.  
3. There are 8 LCD contrast levels to choose from—  
“Lcd 0” is the lightest, and “Lcd 7” is the darkest.  
“Lcd 5” is the default setting.  
4. Press and release the “+” button to toggle through  
the settings.  
5. Press and release the “SET” button to confirm and  
exit the programming mode.  
I. Weather Forecast  
The weather forecasting feature is estimated to be 75% accurate.  
By adjusting the sensitivity setting, you can achieve a better  
accuracy of forecast. The weather forecast is based solely upon the  
change of air pressure over time. In areas where the weather is not  
affected by the change of air pressure, this feature will be less  
1. Weather Icons  
There are 3 possible weather icons that will be displayed  
in the TENDENCY LCD:  
Sunny—indicates that the weather is expected to improve  
(not that the weather will be sunny).  
Sun with Clouds—indicates that the weather is expected  
to be fair (not that the weather will be sunny with clouds).  
Clouds with Rain—indicates that the weather is expected  
to get worse (not that the weather will be rainy).  
The weather icons change when the unit detects a change  
in air pressure. The icons change in order, from “sunny”  
to “partly sunny” to “cloudy”. It will not change from  
“sunny” directly to “rainy”, although it is possible for the  
change to occur quickly. If the symbols do not change  
then the weather has not changed or the change has been  
slow and gradual. If this happens on a regular basis, it  
may be necessary to adjust the weather forecast  
2. Weather Tendency Arrows  
Other possible displays in the TENDENCY LCD are 2  
weather tendency arrows, one that points up and one that  
points down. These arrows reflect current changes in the  
air pressure: an arrow pointing up indicates that the air  
pressure is increasing and the weather is expected to  
improve or remain good, an arrow pointing down  
indicates that the air pressure is decreasing and the  
weather is expected to become worse or remain poor. No  
arrow means the pressure is stable.  
A storm can be expected if there is a drop of 4 hPa or  
more in less than 6 hours, the rain icon is displayed, and  
the downward pointing arrow is flashing. The flashing  
will stop when the air pressure stabilizes or begins to rise.  
II. Indoor Temperature, Humidity, and Comfort Level  
The current indoor temperature (viewed on the left) and relative  
humidity (viewed on the right) are displayed in the INDOOR LCD.  
The comfort level indicator is located at the center of the INDOOR  
LCD. The comfort level indicator will display a happy face icon  
when the temperature is between 68°F and 79°F (20°C and  
25.9°C), and the humidity is between 45% and 64%. A sad face  
icon will be displayed when the temperature and humidity are  
outside the mentioned ranges.  
III. Outdoor Temperature and Humidity  
The outdoor temperature and humidity is viewed in the  
OUTDOOR LCD. When there is more than one remote sensor  
unit in operation a “boxed” number will appear to the right of the  
temperature. This indicates which remote sensor unit (1, 2, or 3) is  
currently displaying its data in the OUTDOOR LCD. (This feature  
is explained in further detail in the following section—Adding  
Remote Sensors).  
IV. Minimum and Maximum Temperature Records (Indoor,  
Outdoor and Resetting)  
The WS-7391U keeps a record of the minimum and maximum  
temperatures for both the indoor and outdoor sections. These  
temperatures can be viewed directly underneath the current indoor  
and outdoor temperatures. The minimum recorded temperature is  
on the left and the maximum-recorded temperature is on the right.  
Resetting the Minimum and Maximum Records  
To reset both the indoor and outdoor temperature records press and  
hold the reset button for 5 seconds.  
Note: This will reset both the indoor and outdoor records, it is not  
possible to only reset one or the other.  
V. Adding Additional Remote Sensors (Optional)  
The WS-7391U is able to receive signals from 3 different  
remote sensors. These extra remote sensors can be  
purchased through the same dealer as this unit. A TX4U  
will monitor the temperature and humidity, a TX3U will  
monitor temperature and display the temperature on its  
LCD and the TX3UP will monitor the temperature via a  
probe for measuring soil or water temperatures.  
Note: When setting up multiple units it is important to  
insert batteries first into all the remote sensors, and in  
numeric sequence. Second install batteries into the  
indoor weather station. Transmission problems will arise  
if this is not done correctly and if the total time for set-up  
exceeds 6 minutes.  
VI. Set-up of Multiple Units  
1. It is necessary to remove the batteries from all units  
currently in operation.  
2. Remove the battery covers to all remote sensors.  
3. Place all remote sensors in a numeric sequential  
4. In sequential order, install batteries following the  
same battery installation procedures seen in Detailed  
Set-Up Guide section of this manual.  
5. Install batteries into the indoor weather station.  
6. Follow the Detailed Set-Up Guide for programming  
and operating instructions.  
VII. Viewing and Operating with Multiple Remote Sensors  
1. To view the temperature of a different remote sensor  
press and release the “CHANNEL” button. A shift  
from one “boxed” number to the next should be  
observed in the OUTDOOR LCD.  
2. The minimum and maximum temperature of the  
additional remote sensor will be displayed below the  
current temperature of the remote sensor in the  
3. To reset the minimum and maximum temperature  
readings it is necessary to select which remote sensor  
you wish to reset. Press and hold the “RESET”  
button for 5 seconds and the records for the selected  
remote sensor will be reset.  
VIII. Mounting  
Note: Before permanently mounting ensure that the  
indoor weather station is able to receive WWVB signals  
from the desired location. Also, extreme and sudden  
changes in temperature will decrease the accuracy of the  
indoor weather station. Changes in elevation will result  
with inaccurate weather forecasting for the next 12 to 24  
hours. These changes will require a 12 to 24 hour wait  
before obtaining reliable data. To achieve a true  
temperature reading, avoid mounting where direct  
sunlight can reach the remote thermo/hygro sensor. We  
recommend that you mount the remote thermo/hygro  
sensor on a North-facing wall. The transmitting range of  
the remote thermo/hygro sensor is 80ft. Obstacles such  
as walls, concrete, and large metal objects can reduce the  
range. Place both units in their desired location and wait  
approximately 10 minutes before permanently mounting  
to ensure that there is proper reception. The indoor  
weather station should display a temperature in the  
OUTDOOR LCD within 4 minutes of setting up.  
1. Remote Thermo/hygro Sensor  
A. Mounting With Screws  
1. Remove the mounting bracket/receptor from the  
2. Place the mounting bracket over the desired mounting  
3. Through the 2 screw holes of the bracket mark the  
mounting surface with a pencil.  
4. Where marked, start the screw holes using the provided  
5. Remove screws from the mounting surface.  
6. Align the mounting bracket with the started screw holes.  
7. Screw mounting bracket onto the mounting surface. The  
screws should be flush with the bracket.  
8. Fit the mounting post (on the back of the remote  
thermo/hygro sensor) into the receptor of the mounting  
B. Mounting With Adhesive Tape  
1. With a nonabrasive solution, clean and dry the back of  
the mounting bracket and the mounting surface to ensure  
a secure hold. The mounting surface should be smooth  
and flat.  
2. Remove the protective strip from one side of the tape.  
Press firmly onto the designated area on the back of the  
mounting bracket.  
3. Remove the protective strip from the other side of the  
tape, and situate the mounting bracket. Firmly press the  
mounting bracket onto the mounting surface.  
4. Fit the mounting post into the receptor of the mounting  
2. The Indoor Weather Station  
1. The WS-7391U is a wall mount only indoor weather  
station. To mount the display on your wall:  
2. Fix a screw (not included) into the desired wall, leaving  
approximately 3/16 of an inch (5mm) extended from the  
3. Place the indoor weather station onto the screw using the  
hanging hole on the backside.  
4. Gently pull the indoor weather station down to lock the  
screw into place.  
Problem: No reception of WWVB time signal  
1) Wait overnight for signal.  
2) Be sure indoor weather station is at least 6 feet  
from any electrical devices, such as televisions,  
computers, or other radio-controlled clocks.  
3) Remove batteries for five minutes, reinsert and  
leave alone without pressing buttons overnight.  
4) If there are still problems, contact La Crosse  
Problem: Hour is incorrect (minute and date are correct)  
Be sure correct time zone and daylight saving time  
are selected.  
Problem: The LCD is faint  
1) Set the LCD contrast to a higher number  
2) Replace batteries  
Problem: No remote temperature is displayed  
1) Remove all batteries, reinsert into remote  
sensor(s) first, then indoor weather station.  
2) Place remote sensor(s) closer to indoor weather  
3) Be sure all batteries are fresh.  
Problem: Remote humidity displays “- -“  
1) A temperature only sensor is being used and  
2) The humidity is outside the range of 19-95%  
NOTE: For problems not solved, please contact La Crosse  
Maintenance and Care Instructions  
Extreme temperatures, vibration, and shock should be  
avoided to prevent damage to the units.  
Clean displays and units with a soft, damp cloth. Do not  
use solvents or scouring agents; they may mark the  
displays and casings.  
Do not submerge in water.  
Immediately remove all low powered batteries to avoid  
leakage and damage.  
Opening the casings invalidates the warranty. Do not try  
to repair the unit. Contact La Crosse Technology for  
Temperature measuring range:  
32°F to 139.8°F with 0.2°F  
resolution. (0°C to 59.9°C with  
0.1°C resolution) “OFL” displayed  
if outside this range  
-21.8°F to 157.2°F with 0.2°F  
resolution. (-29.9°C to 69.9°C  
resolution) “OFL” displayed if  
outside this range  
Relative humidity measuring range  
19% to 95% with 1% resolution  
(“- -” displayed if outside this range  
Every 10 seconds  
Indoor temperature checking  
Indoor humidity checking interval  
Outdoor temperature and humidity  
checking interval (Remote  
thermo/hygro sensor)  
Every 1 minute  
Every 1 minute  
Outdoor temperature and humidity  
Every 3 minutes  
reception (indoor weather station)  
Transmission Range  
80 feet (in open space)  
Power Supply  
Indoor weather station  
Remote thermo/hygro sensor  
Battery life cycle  
2 x AA  
2 x AA  
Approximately 12 months  
Recommended battery type  
Dimensions (L x W x H)  
Indoor weather station  
6.5 x17.75 x 1.25 inches  
(171 x 450 x 31mm)  
1.56 x 0.78 x 4.29 inches  
(40 x 20 x 110 mm)  
Remote thermo/hygro sensor  
La Crosse Technology, Ltd provides a 1-year limited warranty on  
this product against manufacturing defects in materials and  
This limited warranty begins on the original date of purchase, is  
valid only on products purchased and used in North America and  
only to the original purchaser of this product. To receive warranty  
service, the purchaser must contact La Crosse Technology, Ltd for  
problem determination and service procedures. Warranty service  
can only be performed by a La Crosse Technology, Ltd authorized  
service center. The original dated bill of sale must be presented  
upon request as proof of purchase to La Crosse Technology, Ltd or  
La Crosse Technology, Ltd’s authorized service center.  
La Crosse Technology, Ltd will repair or replace this product, at our  
option and at no charge as stipulated herein, with new or  
reconditioned parts or products if found to be defective during the  
limited warranty period specified above. All replaced parts and  
products become the property of La Crosse Technology, Ltd and  
must be returned to La Crosse Technology, Ltd. Replacement  
parts and products assume the remaining original warranty, or  
ninety (90) days, whichever is longer. La Crosse Technology, Ltd  
will pay all expenses for labor and materials for all repairs covered  
by this warranty. If necessary repairs are not covered by this  
warranty, or if a product is examined which is not in need or repair,  
you will be charged for the repairs or examination. The owner must  
pay any shipping charges incurred in getting your La Crosse  
Technology, Ltd product to a La Crosse Technology, Ltd authorized  
service center. La Crosse Technology, Ltd will pay ground return  
shipping charges to the owner of the product to a USA address  
Your La Crosse Technology, Ltd warranty covers all defects in  
material and workmanship with the following specified exceptions:  
(1) damage caused by accident, unreasonable use or neglect  
(including the lack of reasonable and necessary maintenance); (2)  
damage occurring during shipment (claims must be presented to  
the carrier); (3) damage to, or deterioration of, any accessory or  
decorative surface; (4) damage resulting from failure to follow  
instructions contained in your owner’s manual; (5) damage resulting  
from the performance of repairs or alterations by someone other  
than an authorized La Crosse Technology, Ltd authorized service  
center; (6) units used for other than home use (7) applications and  
uses that this product was not intended or (8) the products inability  
to receive a signal due to any source of interference.. This  
warranty covers only actual defects within the product itself, and  
does not cover the cost of installation or removal from a fixed  
installation, normal set-up or adjustments, claims based on  
misrepresentation by the seller or performance variations resulting  
from installation-related circumstances.  
This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have  
other rights specific to your State. Some States do no allow the  
exclusion of consequential or incidental damages therefore the  
above exclusion of limitation may not apply to you.  
For warranty work, technical support, or information contact:  
La Crosse Technology  
2809 Losey Blvd. S.  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Phone: 608.782.1610  
Fax: 608.796.1020  
(warranty work)  
(information on other products)  

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